• Huaqiang Electron用空ic World is the earl長吧iest and largest 短弟electronic products trad銀身ing place in快小 China, which cover船低s all the products o木快f the whole industry 事不chain and engags in話志 a wide range of busin紙麗ess. At present,土地 it has 10 bran暗自ches in total in S拍煙henzhen, Jinan, Sh林男ijiazhuang and Sheny報做ang and has such遠草 innovation projects 店視as Shenzhen LED Inter低機national Purc道國hase & Trading C章時enter, Huaqiang Jewelry 空哥World and Hua E樂讀 Food Palace. Huaq喝可iang Electroni銀腦c World has a total a也唱rea of 300,00資什0 ㎡ and over 20,000 comm現科ercial tenant著新s. Every day, 技森as many as 200一有,000 people fro費少m home and abroad woul綠車d come here to purcha身商se products, a道書nd it contribute裡喝s to a transaction volu報黑me of over RMB 30 bil子電lion Yuan per ye火懂ar. Huaqiang Electron店林ic World with Shenz月大hen being its hea討空d office, has set 船他up high-end e從來lectronic in去近formation service base i服睡n Shenyang, Shi河腦jiazhuang and Jin是話an and professional 女影chain stores in低銀 Chongqing, Huizho知技u and Changzhou e月跳tc.